The story of Combine again is ─ Half-Life 2 scenario MOD ENTROPY: ZERO 2 from the combine perspective

The scenario MOD for Half-Life 2 produced by overseas MOD producer BREADMEN has been distributed.

This work is a sequel to the MOD Entropy: ZERO released in 2017. Following the previous work, players operate soldiers of Combine, which is originally an enemy camp. The goal is to detain Dr. Mosman, while fighting the resistance.

In the battle system, in addition to existing weapons, various elements have been added, such as giving instructions to platoon and new weapons have been added. In particular, instead of inhaling objects in the surrounding space, the grenade in which XEN aliens appear, and the appearance of Tallet that you can familiar with.

The Steam store page describes the features of this work as follows.

  • Renewed battle system ─ New enemies and weapons

  • Campaign scenario consisting of seven chapters


  • The enemy's AI and variations have been renewed, and for a refreshing battle scenario

  • Game experience with a high immersive feeling due to full voice and directing

  • You can control the combine unit and manipulate it freely

  • Added Zen Grenade that sucks enemies and objects and creates XEN's life form instead

Entropy: ZERO 2 is currently being distributed on Steam.


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