Call of Duty breaks with a tradition - and many fans are sad

Since Call of Duty 2, fans can count on a new COD part annually. Not 2023, because as industry insiders betray Jason Schreier, the Call of Duty planned for the coming year is postponed to 2024.

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2023 Without Call of Duty

On the following three things you could always leave in the fall: leaves fall from the trees, the weather is rainy and a new call of duty appears around the time. The latter will probably have to be failed next year, because the annual Call of Duty makes a break for the first time almost two decades.

The information comes from industry insider Jason Schreier. For Bloomberg, he writes that Activision Blizzard dismisses the release because Call of Duty: Vanguard did not meet the expectations .

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In 2023, the new COD game should have appeared by the Studio Treyarch; Now is expected to come in the year . According to Schreier information, this shift has nothing to do with the planned acquisition of Microsoft.

Other projects

This year fans can count on a new call of duty by default; For the coming year Activision prefers to fill the gap otherwise. Which project that is concrete is unknown. But after all, screech mentions a new free-to-play game , which should help, among other things, Treyarch. (Source: Bloomberg)

In addition to Call of Duty, Activision Blizzard also has many other brands, which possibly return 2023 in the form of a new game. That could be Crash Bandicoot or Spyro or even a new Tony Hawk . Blizzard brands such as Overwatch, Diablo or Warcraft could fill the gap.


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