Phoenix Point: Details: Corrupted Horizons (DLC 4) and Behemoth Edition for PlayStation & Xbox

On October 1, 2021 not only the console versions of Phoenix Point appear (from 20.99 €) (called Behemoth Edition), but also the fourth extension Corrupted Horizons for the previous PC versions of the game. The DLC 4 will be included in the Behemoth Edition.

Game Theory: Animal Crossing's Scary Bunny unZIPPED! (Animal Crossing New Horizons) Snapshot games, Saber Minks and Prime Matter: The 4th DLC introduces the fatal new effect of the corruption that affects the waste of the soldiers. A new unit - the courageoid - can counteract this threat. The human-pandoran hybrid is immune against the corruption. The skills of mutoids can be taken over by each player class - forces can be combined in a new and exciting way. In production costs mutoid so-called mutagenes. These are also needed to further develop their skills and their cure of the wounds Tactical advantage thus carries a certain risk.

The Phoenix Point: Behemoth Edition covers the main game, four extensions (Blood and Titanium, Legacy of the Ancients, Festing Skies and Corrupted Horizons), previously published patches / update and console extraction skins. The title runs in 1080p with 30 fps on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. A free NEXT generation update that will be provided later after the publication is intended for 4K resolution with 60 fps on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X.

The publisher further explains: For the implementation of Phoenix Point for the consoles, the developer team had to redesign the user interface and control scheme. Each action should be intuitive to the controller. Instead of just reflecting the mouse control, the respective actions were reflected Assigned buttons and also the menus have been divided into tabs that can be accessed via the controller or the shoulder rockers. An indication on the screen ensures that the players always know which actions they can perform at a given time and which not.

Last updated video: Behemoth Edition Reveal trailer


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