Warframe: NYX Prime Build Instructions

NYX PRIME , the manipulator of the battlefield, is a warframe that should definitely be missing in each inventory. She is not what is considered meta in the game, but she's fun with her skill kit. Your skills will not free the screen from enemies and scales infinitely, but you can certainly serve as a perfect crowd controller.

Nyx has never been a bad frame, but given the meta of the game to destroy the opponent as fast and efficient as possible, she is no longer so needed today. What makes them very good is to secure a place for defense purposes. Her better skills are obviously their chaos and absorbors, which I focus mainly in the following build.

Hier is the construction I've come up with Nyx Prime, with a Helminth Subsumed ability for further benefits:

NYX Prime Build

The purpose of this build is to focus on as much reach as possible, to maximize efficiency and maintain the duration with positive statistics. Strength does not play too much in this build because it is no damage causing type. I purposely use no vibration mods such as Vitality or even Adaptation.

This build requires many specific things to work because it will be a very energetic type. You will see that I have used two augment mods on this build: assimilating and spectroscopy.

Assimilating allows NYX to use your weapons and move, but with a big blow for your mobility. This also makes them invincible until the ability to go the energy or is banned by a cancellative ability. However, to compensate for the passive energy loss by maintaining the ability, you can remove your capabilities of troubleshooting or psychic bolts with Garas Spectrorage capability via the Helminth system.

Here comes the second increase, Spectrosiphon, into the game. The spectrosiphon enlargement modifies the property of the ability to defeat enemies in Spectrorage have a 50% chance to drop an energy ball. These dropped balls can then be recorded to obtain the energy of NYX Prime. It can not earn energy with Zenurik's Energizing Dash or one of Harrow or Trinity's energy-intensive capabilities.

Here is the crucial part of the build: Arcane energy

Arcane energy, especially on the maximum rank, grants a considerable and additional energy boost, even if a capability is channeled. This allows NYX Prime to maintain your absorb function almost unlimited, which is basically its kind to survive deadly hits. The second Arcane slot is quite for her taste.

It seems to build a lot, but it really dissolves from the monotony that is created by the endless missions in Warframe. This build is also versatile enough to get something like an excavation mission. Since it has a positive permanent value in this build, you can work your chaos ability. Then they complete the whole thing with a spectrorage to let enemies fight against each other in a glass circuit. This will deduct the aggro from the enemies and give them a simpler opportunity to collect plenty of energy!

Again, this is not the highest quality build that can delete enemies in no time, but it is very useful in the correct settings, especially when saving teammates.

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