PS5: 23 Important tips and attitudes that you need to know

With the PS5 today the new PlayStation console in many households is trudging. And in the exciting first hours with the new hardware, it can easily happen that you do not really know what to do first. After all, the PS5 brings a number of innovations and changes - but where to start?

We stand here to help you and tell you a lot of tips and important settings that you should definitely take into account as soon as the PlayStation 5 is at home with you. Whether you want to follow the tips, of course, is completely with you. But it could definitely be worthwhile.

Last update: With the latest firmware you can expand your memory. We give you tips on what you need to pay attention to.

PS5 buy & all information about the launch

  • Here are all important information about the PS5 at a glance
  • You want to buy a PS5? Then you should look for these dealers now.

Here are a few tips and recommendations for your PS5 start!

1. Sets 120 or 60 fps

Most PlayStation 5 games try to achieve 60 fps as a frame rate target. A few titles, like Call of Duty Black Ops: Cold was, Dirt 5 or Devil May Cry 5, but offer optional 120 FPS modes. So you have a corresponding monitor, then you can rely on the higher frame number:

  1. goes to your ps5 in Settings> Screen and Video> Video output
  2. Navigate completely down to the menu item "Activate 120 Hz output"
  3. Sets the option to "Automatic"

Have you made this attitude, then it is usually still at the game where you also have to activate the mode. For example, DIRT 5 or DEVIL MAY CRY 5, for example, the 120 FPS modes are called "high frame rate". At COD BLACK OPS: COLD, however, was 120 fps automatically set as soon as you have made the PS5 settings.

Setting 60 FPS : Do you only have a normal monitor that can not display the 120 fps anyway, you do not want to change your system side. But you can set the game default settings that you automatically select Performance mode if the game supported. Otherwise, you have to look individually depending on the game, whether it supports 60 fps or not. But dualSense has the perfect guide for you:

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PS5: All games that you can play in 4k / 60fps


2 . Ensures that your 4k has set

If you connect your PlayStation 5 to a 4K TV or monitor, then you also want to get the most out of the console. Normally, that should also be set up automatically, but if an error happens, you can set 4K as follows:

  1. goes to your ps5 in Settings> Screen and Video> Video output
  2. Navigates to the menu item "Resolution"
  3. Select 2160P

You can already be sure that your PS5 always spends the games in 4k, if the game supports this.

3 . Get the PS Plus Collection & the monthly PS5 game

Anyone who has already completed a PS plus subscription is the advantage here. The recommendation for Sony's online service but basically goes to all, even if you do not currently plan to play online. With the new PS plus Collection you get equal to 20 high-profile PlayStation title at once. Sure, these are not PS5 exclusives, but the selection can still be seen:

  • God of was
  • Bloodborne
  • Days Gone
  • Until Dawn
  • Detroit Become Human
  • Battlefield 1
  • Infamous Second Son
  • Arkham Knight
  • Last Guardian
  • Last of US Remastered
  • Persona 5
  • Resident Evil 7: Biohazard
  • Uncharted 4
  • Fallout 4
  • Ratchet & Clank
  • Monster Hunter: World
  • Mortal Kombat X
  • Final Fantasy 15
  • Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy
  • Call of Duty Black Ops 3: Zombie Chronicles Edition

As usual, the titles from the PS plus section can be downloaded in the PS Store, if there is an active PS Plus subscription. By the way, play the PS4 hits on the PS5, brings a bonus: The Game Boost of the PS5 reduces the loading times and stabilizes the frame rates.

Here you can find more about the PS5 improvements:

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PS Plus Collection: These offer the games in PS5 Boost Mode


There are more: Next to the PS Plus Collection, there are of course the "normal" PS plus games for each month. As a result, you can already secure the following PS5 games in recent weeks:

  • Bugsnax (November & December)
  • Worms Rumble (December)
  • Maneater (January)
  • Control Ultimate Edition (February)
  • Maquette (March)
  • Oddworld: Soulstorm (April)
  • Wreckfest (May)

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Bugsnax in the test - Pokémon Snap for the PlayStation


4 . Uses the game presets of the PS5!

The PS5 offers you the possibility to make so-called Game Presets in the system settings. These are options that you would otherwise have to select individually in each game, which can of course be annoying little things. Games that support the presets are on the PS5 but directly at the first start to your needs.

Especially helpful: This also applies to the graphics options that offer many PS5 titles. Do you want more power more, a higher frame rate? Or rather a higher resolution? Who swears to 60 fpps, can automatically contain this from his ps5.

Just look for the presets in "Settings, Saved Data and Game App Settings, Game Preferences" and selects according to your Gusto.

You will also find preferences for difficulty levels, camera settings and more. So do you!

5 . Try the playtime tracker

The PS5 has many innovations to offer and one of the most exciting hides in your PSN profile. Recently, Sony shows you the exact game time you already have spent with your titles. Simply switches to your profile overview and select the game overview.

Here you can see right exactly how many hours you have sunk in your favorite games. A useful feature if you want to prevent too much time to invest or simply curious. But the best is: The statistics also apply retroactively for your PS4 library. So you can also see exactly what you have driven in the last seven years.

BUT ATTENTION: Depending on the privacy setting, your friends can also see how they deal with your time. So if nobody should know what you are doing so, you can make the scots tight and true the dark secrets.

6 . Turns the adaptive triggers and the haptic feedback

Haptic feedback and adaptive triggers are among the coolest innovations of the PS5 or the dualSense controller and are also enabled by default.

However, you are not forced to play permanently with the Rumble effects or the "resistant" triggers. If you want to deactivate or attenuate the functions, you will find an option in the menu of the PS5.

You can find this under Settings / Accessories / Controller. About "Vibration Intensity" the Rumble effects can be regulated in three stages (strong, moderate, weak) or switch off completely. The same applies to the "intensity of trigger effects". These can also be regulated in three steps or deactivate.

Also for the battery power this is very relevant:

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7 . Definitely sleeps astro's playroom!

PS plus is too expensive and also for the current launch title is left after the purchase of the PS5 no budget left? No problem, because with Astro's Playroom you get an excellent 3D platform. The Jump & Run of Team Asobi! Namely, is preinstalled directly on each PlayStation 5 console. And here you can expect a full game highlight and no drugs mini game collection.

Although Astro's Playroom is designed as a playable tutorial of the PS5 and should imagine the new features of the dualSense controller, but that's just the beginning. For both haptic feedback as well as for the adaptive L2 and R2 triggers, the developers will find a whole series of meaningful gameplay ideas for a lot of fun.

If you are still not completely convinced, you can read here why Astro's Playroom is one of the first PS5 highlights:

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Astro's Playroom is the perfect tutorial for the PS5


8th. Turns the dualSense micro!

The new PS5 controller has many new features. Among other things, the dualsense is delivered with a built-in micro that makes you talk to friends without a headset, if your online is slinging. But there is a small problem: The micro is activated by default and listens.

So if you want to make sure that nobody listens to you, you must first mouth the controller. That's very easy. Simply press the new microphone button on the PS5 controller and light up.

The red light signals you that the micro is muted and nobody experiences your darkest secrets. If the light is annoying, there is also an alternative. In the system settings, you can also switch off the dualSense micro by default - then it takes on when the light lights up. So exactly the other way around. Practical!

9 . Enjoy the SSD (in the menus & in the PS Store)

The biggest technical innovation of the PS5 is undoubtedly the powerful SSD hard drive. But not only in the big graphic blockbusters for short loading times. The complete user interface of the PlayStation 5 benefits from the new speed - so flott you have never maneuvered by a Sony-Ui.

No matter if you are now clacking the Homescreen or the new Control Center with the new card system. Everything is pleasantly responsive and you do not have to wait for any time to load any menus or content. By the way, this also applies to the new PS Store. He was also revised and is now installed directly in the operating system and no separate separate software more.

Browse through the offers, so never easier. More about it, you can find in our assessment of the new online services:

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PS5 - PS Store & PS Plus section at a glance: Fast, tidy, better


10 . Extends your SSD for more storage space

PlayStation 5 games are getting bigger and thus the scarce space of 667 GB is quickly consumed.

Therefore, Sony has installed a slot for M.2-SSDs, which is activated via the latest firmware (just in the beta). Thus, you can then use a compatible SSD and save more games. The memories need the following specifications:

  • Interface : PCIE GEN4 M.2 NVME SSD
  • Size : 250 GB to 4 TB
  • Reading speed : At least 5,500 MB / s
  • Form factor : The PS5 supports only M.2 types 2230, 2242, 2260, 2280 and 22110.
  • Socket Type : Socket 3 (Key M)
  • Height : A total of 11.25mm.

All compatible SSDs we list here for you :

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Expand PS5 memory: List with matching SSDs that meet all requirements


11 . Caution! Does not accidentally play the wrong game version

Who wants to play on the PS5, of course also wants to play PS5 games. But the backward compatibility of the PlayStation 5 can provide for confusion. For example, if you download a cross-gene title like Assassin's Creed Valhalla, it can easily happen that you accidentally lert the PS4 version - then it was with the beautiful Next-Gen graphics.

Among other things, we reported that even the PS4 version is prioritized for downloads. So with argus eyes on it, that you get the right version caught. But even after the download, there may be problems. Because even in the home menu we can switch between PS4 and PS5 versions of games. Anyone who has loaded both may, sometimes, may be unknowingly the load gene variant.

Just click here on the option button on the dualSense and selects the right console version.

12 . Gives your fellow players awards

Among the lesser known features that Sony introduces with the PlayStation 5 belongs to the new Accolades system. Behind this hides the opportunity to give your players in online matches certain awards. You can praise other players for their "helpfulness", their "sportiness" and even their "hospitality".

The awarding of the awards is anonymous and per match can only be praised only one player. The same players can only be excellent every 12 hours - the bare accolades spamming is thus prevented. Received awards are displayed on your own profile page and should show how nice a player or a player has behaved so far.

Incidentally, the system moves into the forefront of positivity, because there are no negative awards. Sony wants to make sure that a friendly handling is promoted - and that is often needed in multiplayer games often bitter. So it's a good idea to start distributing awards immediately as soon as you play online for the first time with your PS5.

13 . The Control Center can be adapted

For a short printing on the PlayStation key, you can get in the Dashboard to the Control Center where your quick access to specific area such as current downloads or network settings have. But is this menu to be fully packed, you can also deterce it.

Just press the Options key in the Control Center and you are free to remove the following menu items from the listing:

  • Game Base
  • Music
  • Transmission
  • Barrier freedom
  • Network
  • Volume
  • Micro

And do not worry, the points are not completely deleted, but can be reactivated later at will.

14 . The PS5 can protect you from spoilers!

From today, many Playstation fans will play on the PS5 and accordingly want to share their content. And there it can happen quickly that it bums on clips or screenshots that theoretically could be a thick spoiler - who wants to know which demon's souls bosses there is? Luckily, the PS5 offers a built-in spoiler protection.

Just go to the menu item "Settings, stored data and games app settings" and goes to the spoiler tab. By default, the PS5 automatically warns of spoilers but only if this content has also been titled as a spoiler from the developers. To be sure to go safely, you can blame everything here, which you have not seen yourself.

15 . The dualsense does not load properly? Try another USB slot!

Shortly after the US launch of the PS5, there were first complaints of players who had problems to properly load their dualsense controller. It was a loose contact, sometimes the power supply in the sleep mode of the PS5 was simply switched off - despite the settings made.

But there is a small workaround that you should try before you completely desperate. Namely, the chargers seem to occur primarily with the USB slot on the front. If you put the supplied cable but into the slots on the back, everything should work as planned.

16 . Turn off the trophy videos and saves memory space

Trophies are great, especially if we have worked for a long time. On the PS4 a screenshot was made on the decisive moment, but the PS5 goes a step further here. There are a short gameplay clip of about 15 seconds per trophy, which shows you how you crack the trophy. A nice idea - but she has a hook.

The SSD hard drive of the PS5 is known to be equipped with limited memory. To save space, it makes sense to easily turn off the automatic trophy videos. Under Settings / Shooting and Transmissions / Trophies you can turn off the videos and return to the well-tried screenshots when needed.

17 . Um, where do I turn off the PS5?

It's just a little thing that can be well confused. The overworked user interface has now changed the way the PS5 can be shut down. Instead of using a menu on the left side, which we call with dualshock 4, everything runs over the new Control Center.

Presses for a short time on the HOM button of the PS5 controller. This jumps in the lower bar of the Control Center. Go to the right onto the power symbol and chooses what you want to do: rest mode, restart or completely off.

Old-fashioned it also works via the Power button on the console itself:

  • Press POWER button until it's beeps: sleep mode
  • Press POWER button until the second time you beep: Switch off

18 . Scoring Backups Only About PS Plus

Important note: If you want to take your scales on the PS5 to another console or just secure, you can not do that anymore via USB device, so for example a USB stick.

Instead, the backup only works over the cloud and is thus quasi-paid. Because backing up in just that cloud is only held by PS plus users, which pay for the service monthly or annually a fee.

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PS5 does not allow score backups via USB more, you need PS plus


5 more mini tips on the PS5!

  • Switch off HDCP: The PS5 also an internal recording function, but many your gameplay will also want to use external devices, such as an ELGATO card. For this you have to switch off the copy protection HDCP. You can activate the point under Settings / System / HDMI / HDCP.
  • No folders: On the PS5 you can not create folders. As a result, it is unfortunately not possible to organize how, for example, on the PS4 games to Genres or preferences. It is possible that this function is submitted with a system update, but currently there is this feature.
  • Already displayed on login offline: You want to have your peace while gambling? No problem! Already when logging in you can choose whether you should be displayed for others or even offline. Press the option key when logging in to your profile and you will receive a corresponding menu.
  • Audio Completely Mute: About the dualsense you can not only switch off the microphone but the complete audio for a short time. Just hold the microphone button for longer than one second until it pulsates yellow. If you want to reactivate audio, it is sufficient to tap the micro button briefly.
  • Shortcuts for Create Button: About Settings / Recordings and Transmissions / Recordings / Shortcuts For Create button, you can set what the console should record when you press the button once or repeatedly.

More about the PlayStation 5

If you can use a few tests, assessments and assistance to PS5, I recommend you to our great review article on the console launch. Here you will find everything that makes you easier for the first hours with the PlayStation 5:

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Welcome, dear ps5! All important information about the launch at a glance


Get most of your PS5: Do not the settings mentioned here are not enough? You want the best tips to really pay off your new PlayStation 5? Then look in this dedicated guide here on dualSense.

Have fun with your new console!


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