Fallout 76 Update 1.54 PATNOTES (

Update 1.54 is there for Fallout 76 and here is the complete list of changes and corrections added to this patch.

Bethesda has now published a new update for Fallout 76, which is now available on all platforms. The update was published on 3 August 2021. The patch number is on PS4 1.54, although it is officially recognized as an update

Depending on the platform on which you play the game, there are many different file quantities for the new update. You can check the file sizes for the update below.

  • PC (Bethesda.net): 2.2 GB
  • PC (Microsoft Store): 9.5 GB
  • PC (steam): 2.3 GB
  • Playstation: 8.45 GB
  • Xbox: 11.65 GB

As you can see, it is a pretty violent update. The patch itself serves mainly to fix some mistakes and problems that had the game. All error problems were previously reported by the community of the game. You can read the full patch notes below.

Fallout 76 Update 1.54 Patchotes

Bug fixes and improvements

Art & Graphics

  • Graphics: The Garrahan employee outfit is now more natural on the hips of male characters.
  • Graphics: Creating the Raider Warlord helmet no longer leads to the character hairiness of the character disappears.
  • Textures: A texture damage has been fixed, which could occur temporarily during loading in Vault 96.
  • Textures: The corpses of headless creatures is no longer lacking meat textures where the head was earlier.


  • Snapping toggle: When placing or editing certain Camp objects such as fences, rod sets, weapons stands, light boxes and wall letters, the user interface has been added to a button with which the players can decide whether they want to enable or disable them will engage them on other objects.
  • In the future, players no longer have to decide between latching and non-locking versions of these objects in their build menus, but instead can simply place a version and decide whether they turn them on or off.
  • Household appliances: Activating washing machine and dryer now leads to the door closes and the right sound effects are played.
  • Displays: A problem has been fixed that prevented different weapons when you have assigned showcases.
  • Displays: Magnetic weapons stands now share a baulki with other displays.
  • Floors: Fixed a problem that enabled players to move floors with fortified walls, scraping or storing, which could lead to floating structures.
  • Miscellaneous Structures: The budget consumed by the steel armory is now consistent with similar structures.
  • Stairs: Players can now scrap the stairs that were attached to Vault Laufsteg parts correctly.

Daily operations

  • Vault 96: Blood Eagle attack dogs now appear only in Vault 96 Daily OPs when the meeting group is set to Blood Eagles.


  • Backpacks: Flairs that are applied to the backpack of the steel brotherhood do not seem to float anymore.
  • Consumables: The description of the Carry Weight Boosters now correctly states that the effect of the item lasts for 30 minutes.
  • Escaped weapons: The prefix "cursed" with the names of the cursed weapons was restored.
  • Power Armor: The Skins Mind Velox and Enlighteded Mind Power Armor now offer the right resistance.
  • Power Armor: The light of the T-65 headlamp now seems to be in the third-person view in the right direction after the Scabber color was applied.
  • Legendary weapons: Single shot ranged weapons can no longer appear with the legendary attribute "Last Shot".
  • Unarmed melee weapons: The preparation requirements for the legendary "facebreaker" force fist now include 2 legendary modules. The ability to make this item was reactivated at the arms workbenches.
  • Unarmed melee weapons: Kraftfäusten, including "Face Breaker", now appear correctly with a standard "standard appearance" mod.


Warning: Can only detect less than 5000 characters

World * General: Corrected multiple places where players could see outside the game world. * Interior: Enemies are now properly in interiors that are also used as instantiated Daily Ops locations. * Pathing: Several places in the game world have been fixed where players could stay stuck. * West Tek: It has been fixed a problem where a door in the West Tek FEV Production Center outside the quest "The Catalyst" was not accessible. If you want to know more about this update, visit the game official reddit page. Fallout 76 is now available for PC, PS4 and Xbox One. * * * * * *


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